Sunday, 16 November 2014

Brittany Speared

There was a rumour among musicians at one time that Brian Ferry's controversial son Otis would marry Brittany Spears.  But she decided against it because she didn't want to be called Brittany Ferry.

Regular readers of this blog would by now be expecting a report of the DM's planned visit to Brittany.  Unfortunately the planned jam session with un groupe francais could not be achieved because our venue with our previous drummer was not available.  So le voyage has been postponed, perhaps until next spring.

Your intrepid guitarist however - who had arranged to combine his trip with a visit to relatives was still able to go...

Mist appointments - DM guitarist in Bordeaux, forlornly clutching music pad.
Mmmm...macaroons!  In Quimper
St Emilion in the sunshine

Back in the UK, the DM's played gigs at the Bedford Hotel on 5th October and 2nd November with their usual aplomb.  Next event will be a charity event in Plymouth which is a private function - and the Desperate Measures will be back at the Bedford in February 2014.

As some comepensation for the missing Brittany trip a substantial proportion of the Desperates gathered in the wilds of Devon for a bit of a French themed party.
Du vin....

Du fromage!
We enjoyed some boeuf borgignon, pommes dauphinois, tarte tatin, charlotte pudding, French wine, French cheeses and excellent company.  Sadly missed our bassist Mick and drummer John however, but maybe we can do the real thing next year.

Speaking of musicians rumours about mariages, years ago there was also one that jazz musician Ben Castle, son of famous Roy Castle would marry Beyonce.  But then she would have been Beyonce Castle.  (You have to say it out loud....).