Thursday, 12 December 2013

Desperate Times

It’s been a record breaking year for the Desperates.  This year, our total number of gigs reached a total of nineteen - more than any year since we started.
Fittingly, one of the gigs took place in Tavistock Town Hall - the very venue where we performed our first gig back in May 2009.  The last one this year was our third time supporting the Plymouth Santa charity run.

Concentration was in tents...

Mike wears a jumper for a bet

Tribute Band

Our fans are dedicated.  One fan turned up on Sunday with Desperate Measures tattooed on his arm:

OK, you can't read it, but it's there....

OK, OK, you're right.  The lads here aren't fans - they just used to be in a band with the same name as us.  Well, it's too late for us to change; we've just had our banner made.

Merry Christmas

Gigs are being lined up for next year - watch this space or visit our website dates page.  In the meantime, y'all have a great Christmas.